Concerts & Appearances, Now, Uncategorized 09 Feb 2022 A2IM Features Changamiré The American Association of Independent Music (A2IM) has featured me as the owner of an independent company within the music… changa
Arts & Culture, Now 03 Mar 2021 2021 BIMA Fellow! Out of 300 applicants, the American Association of Independent Music (A2IM) selected Sonnig Records and 30 other black owned music businesses… changa
Concerts & Appearances, Now 28 Sep 2020 Fall 2020 Interns I am tremendously excited to introduce you to my incredible, high school senior INTERNS for this school year: Margo James… changa
Concerts & Appearances, Now 23 Aug 2020 And The Winner Is… Me! As you may know, musicians are among professionals whose work has been gravely impacted by the Coronavirus quarantine. Some of you… changa